

Rhondda Follow June 2024 From the high plateau of Blaenau Morgannwg in Glamorgan, the two deep and steep-sided glacial valleys drop sharply to the south east in the direction of Wales’s capital, Cardiff. Within them flow two of the South Wales’s familiar rivers, the...
Afon Gwenfro

Afon Gwenfro

Afon Gwenfro Follow May 2024 Awarded city status in 2022, Wrexham in North Wales is known for many things: Wales’s fourth largest city; the first place in the UK to brew lager; an age-old argument over whether its name is Welsh or English and as host to one of oldest...
Afon Eden

Afon Eden

The Afon Eden Follow April 2024 In the dark, peaty waters of a river in North Wales lives a creature that is said to be one of the reasons why the Romans first came to our shores. In the second century AD, the historian Suetonius wrote that Julius Ceasar’s two...
The Eastern And Western Cleddau

The Eastern And Western Cleddau

The Eastern And Western Cleddau Follow March 2024 At Picton Point in Pembrokeshire the tidal sections of two of West Wales’s best-known rivers come together to form the Daugleddau (or “two Cleddaus”). Their 27km combined estuary is also known as Milford Haven....
River Teme

River Teme

River Teme Follow January 2024 At Castell-y-Cnwclas (Knucklas Castle) in Mid Wales, local legend has it that King Arthur once threw the head of a giant he had killed into the nearby river Teme. Using it to cross the water, he commanded that it turn to stone, shouting...
Afon Elan

Afon Elan

Afon Elan Follow December 2023 On an autumn evening in 1880 a riot broke out in a town in mid-Wales. Such was its ferocity that one man was reported lucky to have escaped with his life. The cause of the unrest? Atlantic salmon. Not their scarcity or impending...